Lumate Seminari 15.11.2023
From wikiluntti
The role of computation, creative and critical thinking skills and practices in invention projects Lecturer Perttu Ervelius, University of Helsinki
- 4th graders, context of robotics (LEGO Spike)
- What kind of affordances for critical, creatibe and computational thinking occurs during invention project
- Lack of researcj in CreT and CriT
- Pedagogical solution; design more engaging and effective projects
- CreT: Divergent, Convergent, Inspirational, Lateral, Aesthetic, System
- CriT: Interpretation, analysis, Evaluation, Inference, Reasoning
- ComT: Decomposition, data collection, patterns, abstraction, algorithm, parallelism, efficiency, automation, debugging, iteration
- Invention project: Recognise the challenge, generate solutions, design the prototype, test. . .
- Acquire information, ideate, improve, evaluate, present
- Methodologies and collected data: Validates assesments about CT skills; experience sample methods (ESM), videoanalysis, interview with specific students.
- Details
- 4x2h lesson with 4th grade students
- Two teachers
- Topic: UNESCO 2030 goals and students' curriculum
- the problem in students' own context
- building a prototype to solve the problem
- ideation, feedback, presentation
- Lessons
- refresh the block coding basics
- idea generator methods and choosing your challenge
- adding more functions to the prototype
- finalizing the prototype and the final gala show
- Inventions
- Blind helper
- Argument solver
- Don't stay too long in shower
- foodl collector
- Lights of reminder
- Four schools with 4th graders (1 Johannesburg, 3 Fi)
- How to implement in different context
- Teacher training before projects; teacher co-operations
- Findings: Project is non-linear, structures practises help, self-report-tool helps focus, at the beginning the problem can be open, simultaneously occurs multiple thinking skills.
Coherence in science teacher education: integration between theory and practice Teacher, doctoral researcher Henri Hämäläinen, University of Helsinki
- Pre-service teachers (PSTs)
- Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Enacted PCK (the elements of personal pPCK that are activated during.. . .)
- Coherent science teaching
- Core ideas
- Science process skills
- Need-to-know
- Make sense of phenomena
- Teacher scaffold
- Coherence in science teacher education programs
- Shared visions
- Link theory and practise
- Communicate similar ideas
- Coherent science teaching
- Core ideas (why the students should learn about the topic)
- Need to know (why the topic is important)
- Knowledge-in-use/ teacher scaffold (teaching methods)