EOppi student grading
From wikiluntti
Set the grades according to the points given to the exercises.
Save the database as a csv file and read it. Choose the exercises and run the python script.
import csv
import math
import glob
import numpy as np
def getExeNames(titles):
ti = []
for title in titles[1:]:
return ti
def getRow(row):
r = [row[0]]
points = []
for i,p in enumerate( row[1:] ):
#Convert the numbers separated by space into a array of integers
#Fetch the max value of and return those.
#print( p )
#print( [(i) for i in p.strip().split(' ')] )
values = [int('0'+i) for i in p.strip().split(' ')]
#print( values );
r.append( max( values ))
return r
Part 2
def removeFieldName(a, name):
names = list(a.dtype.names)
if name in names:
b = a[names]
return b
def leaveFields(a, ns):
names = list(a.dtype.names)
#Find the corresponding names of fields that stay
fields = []
for n in ns:
res = [i for i in names if n in i]
fields.append( res[0] )
#Find the difference and drop those---except the one named "Name"
diff1 = list( set(names) - set(fields) )
diff2 = list( set(fields) - set(names) )
diff = diff1 + diff2
for n in diff:
a = removeFieldName(a, n)
return a
Part 3
il = []
tul = []
kpl = []
if (0):
kpl.append( '1: Elävä solu ' )
fil.append( 'bg7_1.csv' )
tul.append( ['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'S1', 'T1','YT1'] )
kpl.append( '4: Levät ja planktoneläimet ovat vesien runsaimpia eliöitä' )
fil.append( 'bg7_4.csv' )
tul.append( ['P1'] )
name = "name1"
name = "name2"
if (0):
kpl.append( '3: Metsätyypiy ja puulajit' )
fil.append( 'bg8_3.csv' )
tul.append( ['P1', 'P2'] )
name = "name6"
name = "name7"
if (1):
#9. luokka
kpl.append( '2: Solut -- elämän legopalikat' )
fil.append( 'bg9_2.csv' )
tul.append( ['P1', 'P2', 'S3'] )
kpl.append( '3: Kudokset' )
fil.append( 'bg9_3.csv' )
tul.append( ['P1'] )
name = "name11"
name = "name12"
Part 4
ka = 0
lkm = 0
print('Biologian tehtäväsi tähän mennessä. Lopussa arvosana seisoo.')
print('Tarkista ainakin, että olet teet ne tehtävä mitkä olen merkinnyt arvosanalla neljä (4). Jos olet tehnyt, mutta arvosanasi on 4, kerro minulle. ')
print('Saat parannella ja lisäillä tehtäviä, jos haluat paremman numeron. Aikaa on viikon verran.')
print('- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -')
ave = 0
for i, tcsv in enumerate( fil ):
lkm = lkm + 1
names = []
with open( tcsv ) as csvfile:
print( kpl[i] )
print( "-"*len( kpl[i] ) )
readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',')
#Read the column names
eNames = getExeNames(next(readCSV))
formats = ['u4']*( len( eNames ) - 1)
formats.insert(0, 'U30')
#print( eNames )
# Create the array
rr = [];
for row in readCSV:
r = getRow( row )
rr.append( tuple(r) )
points = np.array( (rr), dtype={'names': eNames, 'formats':formats})
#print( points )
#Create the grading table.
formatsGrade = ['f4']*( len( eNames ) - 1)
formatsGrade.insert(0, 'U30')
grades = np.array( (rr), dtype={'names': eNames, 'formats':formatsGrade})
#print( grades )
#print( eNames )
#print( len( eNames ) )
for n in eNames[1:]:
#print( grades[n] )
grades[n] = grades[n]/ max( max( grades[n] ), 1 )
grades[n] = np.maximum( np.round( ( 4*( 6/(1-0.1)*(grades[n]-1)+10 ))/4, 2), 4)
#print( grades )
#Get the needed columns (exercises) only
grades = leaveFields(grades, tul[i])
#print( grades.dtype.names[1:] )
#print( grades )
if 1:
names = grades['Name']
nameInd = [j for j,i in enumerate(names) if name.lower() in i.lower()]
average = 4
if nameInd:
nameInd = nameInd[0]
pp = list( grades[nameInd] )
print( pp[0] )
for ni, n in enumerate( grades.dtype.names[1:] ):
print( "Arvosana: " + str(pp[ni+1]) , end="\t" )
average = np.round( np.average( pp[1:] ), 1)
print("Et ole tehnyt yhtään tehtävää tästä luvusta! Tee vielä:")
for ni, n in enumerate( grades.dtype.names[1:] ):
print( "-> Keskiarvo: " + str( average ) )
ave = ave + average
print( 'Kaikkien tehtävien keskiarvo: ', np.round( ave/lkm, 1) )