Lidar data visualization
From wikiluntti
Use Lidar data, post analyze it with Python/ Pandas? and use Blender to visualize it.
The free Lidar data set are available e.g. at We use both, the Tif data and LAS data of IT-Ren, Fluxnet site
LAS File Format
LAS@Wikipedia how to print lidar file format las
a) Headers.
b) VLR: Variable Length Record. Include 1) header and 2) payload.
c) Point records. Different point formats 0-10.
LAS in Python
[Laspy Github] [LasPy]
import numpy as np
import pylas
las = fname )
#np.all(las.user_data == las['user_data'])
point_format = las.point_format
print( point_format )
print( )
print( list(point_format.dimension_names) )
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.scatter3D(las.X[:N], las.Y[:N], las.Z[:N], c=las.Z[:N], cmap='Greens');
Lidar Cloud Data to Blender Mesh
Blender need mesh, also nodes and vertices. Thus, the data cloud need to be converted to mesh data. We use the Rolling Ball algorithm of Open3d package.